sim-ple \ ˈsim-pəl
a: constituting a basic element : FUNDAMENTAL
b: not made up of many like units
// a simple and tasty sandwich with cheddar and American cheese
grilled cheese
A sandwich consisting of two pieces of bread, generally white, lightly toasted, and a piece of melty cheese, usually American or Cheddar, placed between them.
Highly tasty.
dou-ble \ ˈdə-bəl
a: being twice as great or as many
// double the number of cheese
b: to make twice as great or as many: such as
a: to increase by adding an equal amount of American cheese
b: to amount to twice the number of awesomeness
tri-ple \ ˈtri-pəl
a: to make three times as great or as many
b: Three times as much in size, flavor, number, or amount
// triple the number of cheese